A Muslim community has twice as many in prisons as a proportion of its Muslim population.
Muhammad Shamim Hussain, Kolkata
According to the 2011 census, the population of the country is 14.2%. But the central government's (NCRB) 'Prisoner Statistics' India says that the nation's share of the country's incarceration in 2021 is over 30 percent. In other words, Muslims are living in prisons twice as much as the Muslim population of the country. According to the statistics of the central government in 2021, four types of imprisonment in the jails of different states of the country. They are criminals (persons convicted of a crime and convicted by a court), under-trial prisoners (currently in a court of law), detainees (persons under legal authority) and those who belong to any of these three categories. . No. and which contains the number of prisoners. Importantly, central government data says that although Muslims make up 34 percent of the country's population as of December 31, 2021, Pakistanis outnumber the number of convicted and under-trial prisoners in the state's jails. . 60.51 percent of the prisoners in Assam are Muslims and 36.51 percent are Hindus. 49.31% court rate among under-trial prisoners in Assam. However, the percentage of under-hearing candidates is 47.27 percent. Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir are among the states where the region's incarceration rate is higher than its population. Also, in states with predominantly BJP government or predominantly central government, the Muslim incarceration rate is higher than the population rate.
According to India's Prison Statistics, the total number of convicts in Assam as on 31 December 2021 is 2459. Among them Hindus 898, Muslims 1488, Sikhs 45, Christians 13 and others 15. Total number of undertrial prisoners in Assam 7620. Among them Hindus 3602, Muslims 3758, Sikhs 86, Christians 28 and others 146. 9.67% of the population in Gujarat. But the percentage of convicted Muslim inmates in jail is almost three times the population, i.e. 19.39 percent. The court rate in Gujarat is 19.42%. Not only in Gujarat but also in other BP-ruled states, the situation is similar. 12.9% of the population in Karnataka. But the rate of under-trial prisoners in the jail is 18.4 percent. 7.0 percent of the population in Haryana. But the prison conviction rate there is 12.68 percent. Public population in Uttarakhand is 13.95%. But the rate of convicts in jails there is 21.76%. And the court rate of 29.67 percent among inmates under trial in jail. On the other hand, in West Bengal, where 27.01 percent of the population, 31.65 percent of the jails are Muslims. And the rate among under-trial prisoners is very high ie 42.81 percent.